Department of Health Confirmed 100-0
by the Senate January 24. Government policy experience: Governor
of Wisconsin, 1986-2001; Wisconsin state assemblyman, 1966-1986. Education:
B.S. from University of Wisconsin-Madison; J.D. from University of Wisconsin-Madison.
President Bush on Thompson: "Tommy has been a creative, conservative,
compassionate governor of Wisconsin. Real welfare reform began in Wisconsin, and
has been duplicated in other states. He's a leader and innovator. He's also been
a champion of education reform and for opportunity for disadvantaged Americans.
He will bring creativity and conviction to Washington, D.C." Thompson on
his role: "For those here who may not know much about me, let me give you
some very short insights by saying this: Welfare reform, health care reform, long-term
care for seniors, greater opportunities for the disabled, helping the poor find
work and helping the working-poor find rewards in their efforts, biotechnology
and scientific research -- I am absolutely passionate about these issues."
| AP photo