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German Understandings On Cultural Exchange
EXCELLENCY: I have the honor to refer to conversations which have recently taken place between representatives of our two Governments concerning the cultural relations between the United States of America and the Federal Republic of Germany. I understand that it will be the intent of each Government: 1. To encourage the coming together of the peoples of the United States of America and the Federal Republic of Germany in cultural cooperation and to foster mutual understanding of the intellectual, artistic, scientific, and social lives of the peoples of the two countries. 2. Recognizing that the understanding between its peoples will be promoted by better knowledge of the history, civilization, institutions, literature and other cultural accomplishments of the people of the other Government, to encourage the extension of such knowledge within its own territory. 3. To use its best efforts to extend to citizens of the other Government engaged in activities pursuant to this agreement such favorable treatment with respect to entry, travel, residence, and exit as is consistent with its national laws. 4. To promote and facilitate the interchange between the United States of America and the Federal Republic of Germany of prominent citizens, specialists, professors, teachers, students and other youths, and qualified individuals from al walks of life. 5. As facilitating the interchange of persons referred to, to look with favor on establishment of scholarships, travel grants, and other forms o assistance in the academic and cultural institution within its territory. Each Government will also endeavor to make available to the other information requested by the other with regard to facilities, courses of instruction or other opportunities which may be of interest to nationals of the other Government. 6. To endeavor, whenever it appears desirable to establish or to recommend to appropriate agencies the establishment of committees, composed of representatives of the two countries, to further the purpose of this agreement. The responsibilities assumed by each Government under this agreement will be executed within the framework of domestic policy and legislation procedures and practices defining internal jurisdiction of governmental and other agencies within their respective territories. This understanding shall be applicable also in the territory of Berlin as soon as the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany makes a conforming declaration to the Government of the United States of America. I have the honor to propose that, if these understandings meet with the approval of the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany, the present note and your note concurring therein will be considered as confirming those understandings effective on the date of your note. Accept, Excellency, the renewed assurances of highest consideration. John Foster Dulles
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U.S. Diplomatic Mission to Germany/Public
Affairs/Information Resource Centers Updated: September 2002 |