"America and our friends and
allies join with all those who want peace and security in the
world, and we stand together to win the war against terrorism."
President Bush, 11. September 11, 2001.
"I was dismayed
by news of the despicable terrorist attacks on the World Trade
Center in New York and the Pentagon in Washington in which so
many people have lost their lives.The German people stand at the
side of the United States of America in this difficult hour."
Letter of Condolence from Chancellor Gerhard Schröder
to President Bush. September 11, 2001. 
Today, the United States, joined
by nations throughout the world, is engaged in a sustained effort
to identify and destroy a global network of terrorists. This worldwide
campaign against terror has many faces, some highly visible, others
In Afghanistan, U.S. forces, with
coalition support, are conducting military operations to root
out and destroy the al Qaeda terror network and its Taliban supporters.
International relief agencies, with U.S. assistance,
are providing food, medicine, and shelter for Afghan refugees
who have endured the humanitarian disaster over which the Taliban
have presided.
Law enforcement agencies are identifying and
arresting suspected terrorists, and governments are freezing the
financial assets of terrorists and their supporters.
In the United States and around
the world, families gather to mourn for the dead of September
11, and to care for the families bereft of sons and daughters,
brothers and sisters, mothers and fathers.
At the World Trade Center and the
Pentagon, workers continue to clear wreckage and begin the process
of rebuilding.
Yet out of this pain and loss,
we can already see a renewed determination to find the perpetrators
of these acts and to defend the values of humanity, diversity,
and freedom that unite the world community. How did we reach this
time of sorrow and resolve, pain and hope?
Smoke pours from the towers of the World Trade Center on
September 11, 2001. (AP/WideWorld Photos Jim Collins)