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Newsletter for English Teachers

EARTH DAY and the Rise of Environmental Consciousness
Earth Day is observed around the world, although nowhere is it a national holiday. In the United States, it affirms that environmental awareness is part of the country's consciousness and that the idea of protecting the environment - once the province of a few conservationists - has moved from the extreme to the mainstream of American thought.* Find Lesson Plans from the New York Times Learning Network, resources for teachers and students, links to subject issues, etc.

ELECTIONS 2008: Speeches and Presidential Elections
After Barack Obama's A More Perfect Union speech there was wide agreement on the importance of the speech for his campaign. * Hillary Clinton's most recent speeches included policy proposals on mortgages and affordable and accessible health care; proposals which have been called bold and progressive by commentators. * McCain currently reinforces his impressive biography with a “Service to America” speech tour to places associated with his own, and his family’s, service to the United States. * Will the ability to inform, educate and inspire people in a speech be decisive in this year's presidential election?

TEACHING LITERATURE: Battle of the Books & Adapting Literature for the Big Screen: The Wave
America's Battle of the Books is a reading incentive program for students in grades 4 through 12. Students read books and come together to demonstrate their abilities and test their knowledge about the books they have read. The structure and format of the competitions may vary depending on the needs, resources and preferences for both school–based and regional competitions. * Please find an introduction to a Battle of the Books competition in Germany.

The Wave is based on the real experience of a high school class in Palo Alto, CA ( USA), in April 1967. * The short story was then written by Todd Strasser ( under the psuedonym Morton Rhue ) into a full-length and published in 1981. * The reputation of the experiment stretched internationally, evidenced by the new German movie Die Welle.

This Month
NATO Summit in Bucharest: NATO summit meetings provide periodic opportunities for member countries to evaluate and provide strategic direction for Alliance activities.

National Cherry Blossom Festival: The thousands of cherry trees that border the Tidal Basin in Washington, D.C., are one of the most well known symbols of the United States' capital, especially when they are in full bloom.

World Book and Copyright Day: By celebrating this Day throughout the world, UNESCO seeks to promote reading, publishing and the protection of intellectual property through copyright.

Web Chat Station & Education USA
Monday, April 14, 15:00 – 16:00: STUDY, INTERNSHIPS, SUMMER JOBS, HIGH SCHOOL STAYS IN THE U.S. - Questions relating to studying, working or seeking internships in the U.S. will be answered by representatives from the Information Resource Center and Consular sections. Please register in advance.

Teaching Resource
Lehrer-Online WebQuests - Internetbasierte Lernabenteuer. Lernende erarbeiten mithilfe des Internets ein Wissensgebiet und präsentieren ihre Ergebnisse. Mit dem WebQuest "American Dream" lernen Schülerinnen und Schüler das Phänomen des amerikanischen Traumes kennen.


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U.S. Diplomatic Mission to Germany /Public Affairs/ Information Resource Centers    
Updated: March 4, 2008