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Travel & Geography > The States & Territories
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| The States & Territories
The Regions of the United States | Facts & Statistics

Connecticut, the "Constitution State"

Connecticut Flag
State Flag
Connecticut Seal
State Seal

The name "Connecticut" comes from an Algonquin Indian word meaning "on the long tidal river". Connecticut was one of the original 13 states. The Connecticut River cuts through the center of the state, flowing into Long Island Sound, Connecticut's outlet to the Atlantic Ocean. Connecticut's rural areas and small towns contrast sharply with its industrial cities. Many towns center around a small park, known as a "green". Near the green may stand a small white church, a town meeting hall, a tavern and several colonial houses. Forests, rivers, lakes, waterfalls and a sandy shore add to the state's beauty. Connecticut is also an important industrial state.

Der Name Connecticut kommt aus der Indianersprache Algonquin und bedeutet �am langen Tidenflu�". Der Connecticut River fließt mitten durch den Bundesstaat und m�ndet in den Long Island Sound, eine Meerenge des Atlantik. Connecticuts l�ndliche Gegenden und Kleinst�dte stehen in scharfem Kontrast zu seinen Industriest�dten. Viele St�dte haben als Mittelpunkt ein �green", einen kleinen Park, in dessen N�he man meist eine kleine wei�e Kirche, eine Stadthalle, ein Restaurant und mehrere H�user im Kolonialstil findet. W�lder, Fl�sse, Seen, Wasserf�lle und Sandstr�nde tragen zur Sch�nheit dieses Bundesstaates bei. Connecticut ist auch ein wichtiger Industriestaat.

Governor: M. Jodi Rell, R (to Jan. 2011)
Senators: Christopher J. Dodd, D (to Jan. 2011); Joseph I. Lieberman, D (to Jan. 2013)
House of Representatives: 5 districts | Search by zip code

Population (July 2005): 3,520,000; National Rank: 29; Percent change since April 2000: 3.1%
Land Area: 4,845 sq mi. (12,550 sq km) ; National Rank: 48
10 largest cities (2005 est): Bridgeport, 139,008; New Haven, 124,791; Hartford, 124,397; Stamford, 120,045; Waterbury, 107,902; Norwalk, 84,437; Danbury, 78,736; New Britain, 71,254; Bristol, 61,353; Meriden, 59,653

Total Gross State Product 2005 prel. (billions of current dollars): 194.5
Per Capita Personal Income 2005 (current dollars): $47,819; National Rank: 1 State Exports 2005 (millions of dollars): 9,687; National Rank: 26
Nursery stock, eggs, dairy products, cattle, tobacco.
Industry: Transportation equipment, machinery, electric equipment, fabricated metal products, chemical products, scientific instruments.

· Connecticut Official State Homepage
· Project VoteSmart
State and Local Government on the Internet (Piper Resources)

· Connecticut Profile - Fedstats
· U.S. Census Bureau: 2000 Data for the State of Connecticut
· U.S. Census Bureau: Census State Data Centers: Connecticut

· Connecticut - Regional Accounts Data (Bureau of Economic Analysis, DoC)


· About Connecticut (State of Connecticut)
· State Profiles
· InfoPlease
· State Sites, Seals and Symbols
(State of Connecticut)
· Connecticut Deutsch


· Connecticut State Tourist Office
· State of Connecticut: State Parks & Forests
Map (Mapquest)

For High School Students
· Explore the States (Library of Congress)
· Stately Knowledge
(The Internet Public Library)
· State Reports: Connecticut

Teacher Resources

· Pro Teacher: Lessons by State: Connecticut

Link Lists
· Connecticut (Google)
· Federal, State & Local Government Site

Texts are abridged from U.S. State Department IIP publications and other U.S. government materials.
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U.S. Diplomatic Mission to Germany
/Public Affairs/ Information Resource Centers 
Updated: May 2008