The International Coalition
and our friends and allies join with all those who want peace and
security in the world, and we stand together to win the war against
President Bush. Washington. September 11, 2001. 
"Our statements of political and moral solidarity
with the U.S. are at the present time more than just a matter of
course. Here in Berlin in particular, we Germans will never forget
what the United States has done for us… But we must make it clear
that while gratitude is an important and weighty factor, it does
not suffice to legitimize fundamental decisions of principle. In
such decisions we are led by one goal only, that of ensuring the
future of our country as part of a free world. And that is the heart
of the matter.” Chancellor Schröder. German Bundestag, Berlin. September
19, 2001."
Chancellor Schröder. German Bundestag. Berlin, September
19, 2001. 
"Americans are asking: How will we fight and win this war?
We will direct every resource at our command -- every means of diplomacy,
every tool of intelligence, every instrument of law enforcement,
every financial influence, and every necessary weapon of war --
to the disruption and to the defeat of the global terror network."
President Bush. Address to a Joint Session of Congress and the
American People. September 20, 2001. 
"Paradoxically, these vicious assaults on our common humanity
have had the effect of reaffirming our common humanity. The very
heartlessness and callous indifference to the suffering and grief
caused to thousands of innocent families has brought a heartfelt
response from millions of ordinary people all around the world,
in many different societies. The task now is to build on that wave
of human solidarity - to ensure that the momentum is not lost, to
develop a broad, comprehensive and above all sustained strategy
to combat terrorism and eradicate it from our world."
UN Secretary General Kofi Annan. New York, October 1, 2001.

"The campaign to eradicate terrorism has reached a new stage.
It will be pursued on many fronts with determination and with patience.
The Alliance stands ready to play its role... On Wednesday I will
be in the White House to meet President Bush. I will be there first
and foremost to express sympathy to his nation on the eve of the
month’s anniversary of these tragic attrocities but also to pledge
the wholehearted support of the entire NATO Alliance for America
at this time of need."
NATO Secretary General Lord Robertson. October 8, 2001. 
"International terrorism poses a multidimensional
threat. Our coalition must use every tool of statecraft to defeat
it. Some countries will take part in the military response against
those involved in the atrocities of September 11. Others, while
not participating directly in military action, will provide logistical
support or access to bases and staging areas or overflight rights.
And many will contribute to humanitarian efforts to help the millions
of innocent Afghans who have suffered under the Taliban regime…
This will be a long, hard campaign, measured in years and fought
on many fronts. For such an effort, our coalition will have the
flexibility to evolve."
From „A Long, Hard Campaign“ by Secretary of State Colin Powell.
Originally published in Newsweek on October 15, 2001. 
"Over many decades we have taken American solidarity for granted
and used it to our advantage. But Alliance solidarity is not a one-way
street. That is why we must now render our practical contribution
to that solidarity - the purpose of which, after all, is to defend
our common values, attain common objectives, and build our future
together in security and freedom. We do this in open, democratic
and also critical discussion, but ultimately also, I hope, in great
Chancellor Schröder. German Bundestag. Berlin. November 8, 2001.

"We meet in a hall devoted to peace, in a city scarred by violence,
in a nation awakened to danger, in a world uniting for a long struggle.
Every civilized nation here today is resolved to keep the most basic
commitment of civilization: We will defend ourselves and our future
against terror and lawless violence… (The) obligations are urgent
and they are binding on every nation with a place in this chamber.
Many governments are taking these obligations seriously, and my
country appreciates it. Yet, even beyond Resolution 1373, more is
required, and more is expected of our coalition against terror.
We’re asking for a comprehensive commitment to this fight. We must
unite in opposing all terrorists, not just some of them. In this
world there are good causes and bad causes, and we may disagree
on where the line is drawn. Yet, there is no such thing as a good
terrorist. No national aspiration, no remembered wrong can ever
justify the deliberate murder of the innocent. Any government that
rejects this principle, trying to pick and choose its terrorist
friends, will know the consequences."
President Bush. United Nations General Assembly. New York. November
10, 2001. 
"The successful conclusion of this conference is an encouraging
signal for the whole of the region, but I think basically it’s an
encouraging signal for the whole world, not least in view of the
important role that the United Nations can play and ought to play
in settling this conflict and other conflicts, and indeed coping
with the challenges ahead of us."
Chancellor Schröder. Closing Session of the UN Talks On Afghanistan.
Bonn-Bad Godesberg, December 5, 2001. 
Chancellor Schröder (l.) meets with President Bush at the White
House in Washington, DC, Oktober 9, 2001. (AP/WideWorld Photos)