Hope & the Future
the days and weeks after the attacks, the Embassy, the consulates
and America Houses received thousands and thousands of letters,
poems, drawings, and pictures. Many of the most moving messages
were from children.
The U.S. Consulate General in Leipzig sent packages
of letters and drawings from German schoolchildren to schools in
the United States. A teacher from a Chicago school wrote: „The packet
of pictures and letters arrived at school today. The simplicity
and genuineness of the pictures and messages reaches all who saw
them and touches us deeply. We will make a display of the pictures
on the wall adjacent to the Main Office, where all children and
many parents pass by daily. I don’t know if you had a chance to
look at all the pictures. They so clearly bear the caring and compassion
of their artists. I am very grateful to you for sending them on.
It is amazing that as large as this country is, our children here
in the middle of the country feel the shock and the losses of New
York and Washington as if they were known friends. Your reaching
out to us will give them comfort.”
"Out of this evil will come good. Through our tears we see
opportunities to make the world better for generations to come.
And we will seize them."
President Bush at the Department of State. Washington, October
4, 2001. 
"Terrorism has cast a shadow across the globe. But the global
resolve to defeat it has never been greater and the prospects for
international cooperation across a broad range of issues has never
been brighter."
"Seizing the Moment" by Secretary of State Colin Powell.
This byliner was published in the Office of International Information
Program's electronic journal "U.S. Foreign Policy Agenda," November
"Today, in Afghanistan, a girl will be born.
Her mother will hold her and feed her, comfort her and care for
her just as any mother would anywhere in the world. In these most
basic acts of human nature, humanity knows no divisions… We have
entered the third millennium through a gate of fire. If today, after
the horror of 11 September, we see better, and we see further --
we will realize that humanity is indivisible."
UN Secretary General Kofi Annan. Nobel Peace Prize Acceptance
Speech. Stockholm, Dezember 10, 2001. 
"In time, perhaps, we will mark the memory of September the
11th in stone and metal - something we can show children as yet
unborn to help them understand what happened on this minute and
on this day. But for those of us who lived through these events,
the only marker we’ll ever need is the tick of a clock at the 46th
minute of the eighth hour of the 11th day. We will remember where
we were and how we felt. We will remember the dead and what we owe
them. We will remember what we lost and what we found."
President Bush. White House Commemoration of September 11. Washington,
DC, December 11, 2001. 