The War on Terrorism "When
there is a lack of security worldwide the economy is the first to feel it. This
emerged once again very clearly in the wake of September 11. Prior to the attacks
we said: "Economic development requires peace, and peace requires economic
development," and that was certainly correct. Today we would add: Security
promotes development, but development also promotes security. The beginning of
the 21st century has been overshadowed by a horrible tragedy, the destruction
of the twin towers. But I think that a new international awareness and, as such,
new international cooperation has arisen out of the ruins of "ground zero".
Speech by German Chancellor Gerhard Schröder at the World Economic Forum
2002 in New York. February 1, 2002  "U.S.-European
leadership has played an important role in the global effort to uncover and disband
terrorist cells, to coordinate the arrest or detention of hundreds of terrorists
around the world, to freeze millions of dollars in global assets linked to terrorist
cells. This kind of cooperation, mandated by a UN resolution, was indeed, as President
Bush said, "the first shot in the war against terrorism." The
International Campaign Against Global Terrorism. Remarks by Ambassador Coats.
March 5, 2002  "A
mighty coalition of civilized nations is now defending our common security. Terrorist
assets have been frozen. Terrorist front groups have been exposed. A terrorist
regime has been toppled from power. Terrorist plots have been unraveled, from
Spain to Singapore. And thousands of terrorists have been brought to justice,
are in prison, or are running in fear of their lives. With us today are representatives
from many of our partners in this great work, and we're proud to display their
flags at the White House this morning. From the contributions these nations have
made -- some well known, others not -- I am honored to extend the deepest gratitude
of the people of the United States." President Bush Thanks World Coalition
for Anti-Terrorism Efforts. Remarks by President Bush on the Six-Month Anniversary
of the September 11th Attacks. March 11, 2002  "On
11 September 2001 the stuff of nightmares became reality explosively and mercilessly.
Our world is facing a new totalitarian threat, which this time does not, however,
have its roots in Europe. A deadly and vicious wave of terrorism struck at the
people and Government of the United States of America, but it could have targeted
any other open society. From the very first we knew that this attack on our prime
Alliance partner was an attack on us all, on our conceptions of liberty, democracy
and human rights. And that the US needed our solidarity, and that the time had
come for the Germans and Europeans to pay back the solidarity we owed them, the
very solidarity that we had ourselves so naturally claimed for the five decades
of the Cold War. We must stand together to fight this deadly threat."
Speech by German Federal Minister for Foreign Affairs Joschka Fischer at the
presentation of the Eric M. Warburg Prize of "Atlantik-Brücke e.V."
to George Bush, former President of the USA, Berlin. April 17, 2002  "In
the days just after September the 11th, I told the American people that this would
be a different war, fought on many fronts. Today, around the world, we make progress
on the many fronts. In some cases, we use military force. In others, we're fighting
through diplomacy, financial pressure, or special operations. In every case, we
will defeat the threats against our country and the civilized world."
President Bush Outlines War Effort. Remarks by the President to the George
C. Marshall ROTC Award Seminar on National Security. Virginia Military Institute,
Lexington, Virginia. April 17, 2002  "By
remaining united, we are meeting modern threats with the greatest resources of
wealth and will ever assembled by free nations. Together, Europe and the United
States have the creative genius, the economic power, the moral heritage, and the
democratic vision to protect our liberty and to advance our cause of peace. Different
as we are, we are building and defending the same house of freedom -- its doors
open to all of Europe's people, its windows looking out to global challenges beyond.
We must lay the foundation with a Europe that is whole and free and at peace for
the first time in its history." President Bush Thanks Germany for
Support Against Terror. Remarks to a Special Session of the German Bundestag.
May 23, 2002 
the great powers share common values, we are better able to confront serious regional
conflicts together, better able to cooperate in preventing the spread of violence
or economic chaos. In the past, great power rivals took sides in difficult regional
problems, making divisions deeper and more complicated. Today, from the Middle
East to South Asia, we are gathering broad international coalitions to increase
the pressure for peace. We must build strong and great power relations when times
are good; to help manage crisis when times are bad. America needs partners to
preserve the peace, and we will work with every nation that shares this noble
goal." President Bush Delivers Graduation Speech at West Point. June
1, 2002 
September the 11th, we needed to move quickly, and so I appointed Tom Ridge as
my Homeland Security Advisor. As Governor Ridge has worked with all levels of
government to prepare a national strategy, and as we have learned more about the
plans and capabilities of the terrorist network, we have concluded that our government
must be reorganized to deal more effectively with the new threats of the 21st
century. So tonight, I ask the Congress to join me in creating a single, permanent
department with an overriding and urgent mission: securing the homeland of America,
and protecting the American people." Remarks by President Bush in Address
to the Nation. June 6, 2002 
nation will work with the U.N. Security Council to meet our common challenge.
If Iraq's regime defies us again, the world must move deliberately, decisively
to hold Iraq to account. We will work with the U.N. Security Council for the necessary
resolutions. But the purposes of the United States should not be doubted. The
Security Council resolutions will be enforced -- the just demands of peace and
security will be met -- or action will be unavoidable. And a regime that has lost
its legitimacy will also lose its power." Remarks by President Bush
in Address to the United Nations General Assembly. September 12, 2002 
Photo: President Bush speaking at a Special Session of the German
Bundestag, Berlin, May 23, 2002 (BPA). |