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Travel to the United States | The States & Territories
The Regions of the United States | Facts & StatisticsKansas, the "Sunflower State"
Abbreviation: KS
State Flag
State SealKansas is derived from the Siouan Kansa or Kaw, meaning "people of the south wind," who lived south of the settlements of the northern Great Plains. It was granted statehood in 1861, becoming the 34th state in the US. Kansas is located equidistant from the Pacific and the Atlantic Ocean. The geographic center of Northamerica is located in Osborne County. This spot is used as the central reference point for all maps produced by the government. Kansas leads the states in wheat production. In early summer, the vast wheat fields on the state's prairies look like golden seas of grain. One of Kansas' most famous towns is Dodge City, the Cowboy Capital of the World. Kansas has many reminders of its colorful past. One can still see the ruts made by covered wagons on the Santa Fe Trail. Tourists can visit the old forts that served as bases for United States cavalry campaigns against Native American tribes and a variety of local museums, showing the exciting days of cattle drives and gunslingers.
Die Bezeichnung Kansas leitet sich von dem Wort der Siouan Indianer für "Volk des Südwindes" (Kansa oder Kaw) ab. Damit wurden Personen bezeichnet, die südlich der Siedlungen in den nördlichen Prärien lebten. 1861 wurde Kansas als der 34. Bundesstaat in die Vereinigten Staaten aufgenommen. Kansas liegt auf halbem Wege zwischen dem Atlantik und dem Pazifik. Der geographische Mittelpunkt Nordamerikas befindet sich in Osborne County. Dieser Punkt dient als Bezugspunkt für alle von der Regierung erstellten Landkarten. Kansas ist führend im Weizenanbau der Vereinigten Staaten. Im Frühsommer gleichen die riesigen Weizenfelder seiner Prärien goldenen Meeren aus Korn. Eine der bekanntesten Städte von Kansas ist Dodge City, die "Cowboy-Hauptstadt der Welt". Kansas hat viele Erinnerungen an seine farbenfrohe Vergangenheit zu bieten. Besucher können noch heute Spuren von Planwagen auf dem Santa Fe Trail entdecken. Sie können Forts besuchen, die den Kavallerien der USA als Basis für ihre Feldzüge gegen die Indianer dienten. Viele Städte haben spezielle Ausstellungen, die zeigen wie es bei ihnen in den aufregenden Tagen der Viehtriebe und Revolverhelden aussah.
Capital: Topeka
Governor: Kathleen Sebelius, D (to Jan. 2011)
Senators: Sam Brownback, R (to Jan. 2011); Pat Roberts, R (to Jan. 2015)
House of Representatives: 4 districts | Search by zip code
Population (July 2005): 2,745,000; National Rank: 33; Percent change since April 2000: 2.1%
Land Area: 81,823 sq mi. (211,922 sq km); National Rank: 15
10 largest cities (2005 est): Wichita, 354,865; Overland Park, 164,811; Kansas City, 144,210; Topeka, 121,946; Olathe, 111,334; Lawrence, 81,816; Shawnee, 57,628; Manhattan, 48,668; Salina, 45,956; Lenexa, 43,434ECONOMY
Total Gross State Product 2005 prel. (billions of current dollars): 105.4
Per Capita Personal Income 2005: $32,836; National Rank: 25 State Exports 2005 (millions of dollars): 6,720; National Rank: 30
Agriculture: Cattle, wheat, sorghum, soybeans, hogs, corn.
Industry: Transportation equipment, food processing, printing and publishing, chemical products, machinery, apparel, petroleum, mining.
· State of Kansas Official State Homepage
· Project VoteSmart
· State and Local Government on the Internet
· Kansas Profile - Fedstats
· U.S. Census Bureau: 2000 Data for the State of Kansas
· U.S. Census Bureau: State Data Centers: Kansas
· Kansas - Regional Accounts Data
· Factmonster.com: State Profiles
· 50States.com
· InfoPlease
· Kansas History (Kansas Historical Group)
· Wikipedia.de: KansasTravel
· State of Kansas Tourist Office
· Kansas State Parks
· Map (MapQuest)
For High School Students
· Explore the States
· State Report: Kansas
· Stately Knowledge
For Teacher
· Lessonplan: Life on the Great Plains (EDSITEment)
· ProTeacher: Lessons by State: Kansas
More Links
· Kansas (Google)
· Kansas (Yahoo)
· GovEngine.com: Federal, State & Local Government Site Texts are abridged from U.S. State Department IIP publications and other U.S. government materials. What kind of information materials are available?
CD: These documents are available in fulltext format on the About the USA CD-ROM. Teachers: Request a copy for classroom use.
L: Selected documents are available in German as well as other languages, including Arabic, Chinese, French, Spanish, Persian and Turkish.
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U.S. Diplomatic Mission to Germany /Public Affairs/ Information Resource Centers
Updated: January 2009