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Travel to the United States | The States & Territories
The Regions of the United States | Facts & StatisticsKentucky, the "Bluegrass State"
Abbreviation: KY
State Flag
State SealIts name comes from the Iroquois Indian word "Ken-tah-ten," or "land of tomorrow." Daniel Boone and other frontiersmen settled in Kentucky in 1769. Admitted into the Union in 1792, Kentucky is the 15th state and the first state west of the Appalachian Mountains. It is known as the "Bluegrass State" because of the blue blossoms of the lush grass around Lexington. Kentucky is one of the border states that lie between the North and the South. Rich tobacco fields and champion race horses have long been symbols of Kentucky. Today, Kentucky is associated with coal mines, horse farms ,and racing. Each May, huge crowds in Louisville thrill to the excitement of the Kentucky Derby horse race, America's most prestigious horse race. Visitors to Kentucky may choose from many scenic attractions, recreational facilities and historic sites.
Der Name leitet sich von dem Wort der Iroquois Indianer für "Land der Zukunft" (Ken-tah-ten) ab. Daniel Boone und andere Pioniere besiedelten Kentucky 1769, und 1792 wurde es der 15. Bundesstaat. Es war der erste Staat westlich der Appalachen. Den staubig-blauen Bl�ten des saftigen Grases, das man um Lexington findet, hat Kentucky seinen Spitznamen "Bluegrass State" zu verdanken. Kentucky ist einer der Bundesstaaten an der Grenze zwischen dem Norden und dem S�den der Vereinigten Staaten. Ertragreiche Tabakfelder und hervorragende Rennpferde sind seit langem Symbole Kentuckys. Heute wird Kentucky mit Kohlebergbau, Pferdezucht und Pferderennen in Verbindung gebracht. Jedes Jahr im Mai begeistert in Louisville ein aufregendes Pferderennen, das Kentucky Derby, die Zuschauermassen. Es ist das prestigeträchtigste Rennen Amerikas. Kentucky bietet dem Besucher vielf�ltige landschaftliche Reize, Freizeitm�glichkeiten und historische St�tten.
Capital: Frankfort
Governor: Ernie Fletcher, R (to Dec. 2007)
Senators: Jim Bunning, R (to Jan. 2011); Mitch McConnell, R (to Jan. 2015)
House of Representatives: 6 districts | Search by zip code
Population (July 2005): 4,173,000; National Rank: 26; Percent change since April 2000: 3.2%
Land Area: 39,732 sq mi. (102,907 sq km); National Rank: 37
10 largest cities (2005 est): Louisville/Jefferson County,1 556,429; Lexington-Fayette,2 268,080; Owensboro, 55,459; Bowling Green, 52,272; Covington, 42,811; Richmond, 30,893; Hopkinsville, 28,821; Henderson, 27,666; Frankfort, 27,210; Florence, 26,349ECONOMY
Total Gross State Product 2005 prel. (billions of current dollars): 140.4
Per Capita Personal Income 2005: $28,513; National Rank: 42
State Exports 2005 (millions of dollars): 14,899; National Rank: 19
Agriculture: Horses, cattle, tobacco, dairy products, hogs, soybeans, corn.
Industry: Transportation equipment, chemical products, electric equipment, machinery, food processing, tobacco products, coal, tourism.
· State of Kentucky: Official State Homepage
· Project VoteSmart
· State and Local Government on the Internet
· Kentucky Profile - Fedstats
· U.S. Census Bureau: 2000 Data for the State of Kentucky
· U.S. Census State Bureau: Data Centers: Kentucky
· Kentucky - Regional Accounts Data
· 50States.com
· InfoPlease
· Wikipedia.de: Kentucky
· State of Kentucky Tourist Office
· Kentucky: Recreation and Travel
· Map (MapQuest)
For High School Students
· Explore the States
· State Report: Kentucky
· Stately Knowledge
Teacher Resources
· ProTeacher: Lessons by State: Kentucky
Link Lists
· Kentucky (Google)
· Kentucky (Yahoo)
· GovEngine.com: Federal, State & Local Government Site Texts are abridged from U.S. State Department IIP publications and other U.S. government materials. What kind of information materials are available?
CD: These documents are available in fulltext format on the About the USA CD-ROM. Teachers: Request a copy for classroom use.
L: Selected documents are available in German as well as other languages, including Arabic, Chinese, French, Spanish, Persian and Turkish.
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U.S. Diplomatic Mission to Germany /Public Affairs/ Information Resource Centers
Updated: January 2009