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| The States & Territories
The Regions of the United States | Facts & Statistics

Maine, the "Pine Tree State"

Maine Flag
State Flag
Maine Seal
State Seal

Maine used to be a French territory and its name comes from the French province of the same name. The largest of the New England states in area, Maine, in 1820, was the 23rd state to join the Union. The most sparsely populated state east of the Mississippi River is appropriately called the "Pine Tree State", as 90 percent of its land is forest. Maine forms the northeastern corner of the United States. West Quoddy Head is the country's easternmost piece of land. Along the famous rock-bound coast of Maine are lighthouses, sandy beaches, quiet fishing villages and thousands of offshore islands. Jagged rocks and cliffs, and thousands of bays and inlets add to the rugged beauty of Maine's coast. Inland, there are sparkling lakes, rushing rivers, green forests and towering mountains. Maine's Acadia National Park is the only national park in New England.

Maine war ursprünglich ein französisches Territorium, und der Name stammt von der französichen Provinz selben Namens. Von der Landmasse her ist Maine der größte Bundesstaat unter den Neuenglandstaaten. Er wurde 1820 der 23. Bundesstaat der Vereinigten Staaten. Der bevölkerungsärmste Staat östlich des Mississippi wird treffenderweise auch "Pine Tree State" genannt, denn 90% der Fläche ist bewaldet. Maine bildet den nord�stlichen Zipfel der Vereinigten Staaten. West Quoddy Head ist der �stlichste Punkt des Landes. Entlang der ber�hmten Felsenk�ste Maines findet man Leuchtt�rme, Sandstr�nde, beschauliche Fischerd�rfer und tausende vorgelagerte Inseln. Zerkl�ftete Felsen und Klippen und unz�hlige Buchten und Meeresarme tragen zur rauhen Sch�nheit der K�ste Maines bei. Im Landesinneren gibt es glitzernde Seen, tosende Fl�sse, gr�ne W�lder und hochragende Berge. Maines Acadia National Park ist der einzige Nationalpark Neuenglands.

Governor: John Elias Baldacci, D (to Jan. 2011)
Senators: Susan Collins, R (to Jan. 2015); Olympia J. Snowe, R (to Jan. 2013)
House of Representatives: 2 districts | Search by zip code

Population (July 2005):
1,322,000; National Rank: 40; Percent change since April 2000: 3.7%
Land Area: 30,865 sq mi. (79,939 sq km); National Rank:
10 largest cities (2005 est.):
Portland, 63,889; Lewiston, 36,050; Bangor, 31,074; South Portland, 23,742; Auburn, 23,602; Biddeford, 22,072; Augusta, 18,626; Saco, 18,230; Westbrook, 16,108; Waterville, 15,621

Total Gross State Product 2005 prel. (billions of current dollars): 45.1
Per Capita Personal Income 2005: $31,252; National Rank: 34
State Exports 2005 (millions of dollars): 2,310 ; National Rank: 44
Seafood, poultry and eggs, potatoes, dairy products, cattle, blueberries, apples.
Industry: Paper, lumber, and wood products, electric equipment, food processing, leather products, textiles, tourism.

State of Maine Official Homepage
· Project VoteSmart
· State and Local Government on the Internet

· Maine Profile - Fedstats
· U.S. Census Bureau: 2000 Data for the State of Maine
· U.S. Census Bureau: State Data Centers: Maine

· Maine - Regional Accounts Data

State of Main: Facts & History
· Maine


State of Maine Tourist Office
· Maine Info (
Map (

For High School Students
· Explore the States
State of Main Kids Page
· State Report: Maine
Stately Knowledge

Teacher Resources
ProTeacher: Lessons by State: Maine

Link Lists
· Maine (Yahoo)
· Maine (Google)
· Federal, State & Local Government Site

Texts are abridged from U.S. State Department IIP publications and other U.S. government materials.
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Updated: January 2009