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Travel to the United States | The States & Territories
The Regions of the United States | Facts & StatisticsNorth Dakota, the "Peace Garden State"
Abbreviation: ND
State Flag
State SealNorth Dakota got its name from the Dakota division of the Sioux Indians who lived on the plains before the Europeans arrived. "Dakota" means "friend." In 1889, North Dakota was admitted to the Union as the 39th state. On the same day, South Dakota was admitted. North Dakota lies in the center of the North American continent. It is mainly a farm state and most of its industries (food processing and farm equipment) are connected to farming. Farms and ranches stretch from the flat Red River Valley, in the east, across rolling plains, to the rugged Badlands in the west. North Dakota's crisp autumn days attract hunters to streams and lakes where migrating fowl pause on their way south. Summer visitors to the state enjoy the exciting rodeos that are held in numerous communities and colorful Indian ceremonies that are conducted on reservations in the state.
North Dakota erhielt seinen Namen von dem Dakota-Stamm der Sioux Indianer, die vor der Ankunft der Europäer in der Prärie lebten. "Dakota" bedeutet "Freund". 1889 wurde North Dakota als 39. Bundesstaat aufgenommen. Zeitgleich wurde auch South Dakota zum Bundesstaat. North Dakota liegt im Zentrum des nordamerikanischen Kontinents. Er ist in erster Linie ein Bundesstaat des Ackerbaus und die meisten seiner Industrien (Lebensmittelverarbeitung und Landmaschinen) stehen mit dem Ackerbau im Zusammenhang. Farmen und Ranches erstrecken sich vom flachen Red River Valley im Osten über sanfte Ebenen bis zu den rauhen Badlands im Westen. An den frischen Herbsttagen in North Dakota zieht es Jäger an die Flüsse und Seen, wo Zugvögel auf dem Weg nach Süden eine Pause einlegen. Sommerurlauber genießen die aufregenden Rodeos, die in vielen Orten stattfinden, sowie die bunten Festlichkeiten in den Indianerreservaten.
Capital: Bismarck
Governor: John Hoeven, R (to Dec. 2008)
Senators: Kent Conrad, D (to Jan. 2013); Byron L. Dorgan, D (to Jan. 2011)
House of Representatives: 1 district | Search by zip code
Population (July 2005): 637,000; National Rank: 48; Percent change since April 2000: -0.9%
Land Area: 70,704 sq mi. (183,123 sq km); National Rank: 19
10 largest cities (2000): Fargo, 90,599; Bismarck, 55,532; Grand Forks, 49,321; Minot, 36,567; Mandan, 16,718; Dickinson, 16,010; Jamestown, 15,527; West Fargo, 14,940; Williston, 12,512; Wahpeton, 8,586ECONOMY
Total Gross State Product 2005 prel. (billions of current dollars): 24.2
Per Capita Personal Income 2005: $31,395; National Rank: 32
State Exports 2005 (millions of dollars): 1,185; National Rank: 46
Agriculture: Wheat, cattle, barley, sunflowers, milk, sugar beets.
Industry: Food processing, machinery, mining, tourism.
· State of North Dakota Official Homepage
· Project VoteSmart
· State and Local Government on the Internet
· North Dakota Profile - Fedstats
· U.S. Census Bureau: 2000 Data for the State of North Dakota
· U.S. Census Bureau: State Data Centers: North Dakota
· North Dakota - Regional Accounts Data
· 50States.com
· Historical Photographs of the Northern Great Plains
· InfoPlease
· Lewis & Clark in North Dakota
· Wikipedia.de: North Dakota
· State of North Dakota Tourist Office
· Map (MapQuest)
· North Dakota Parks & Recreation
For High School Students
· ClassBrain.com: State Report
· Explore the States (Library of Congress)
· Stately Knowledge (The Internet Public Library)
Teacher Resources
· ProTeacher: Lessons by State: North Dakota
Link Lists
· GovEngine.com: Federal, State & Local Government Site
· North Dakota (Google)
· North Dakota (Yahoo) Texts are abridged from U.S. State Department IIP publications and other U.S. government materials. What kind of information materials are available?
CD: These documents are available in fulltext format on the About the USA CD-ROM. Teachers: Request a copy for classroom use.
L: Selected documents are available in German as well as other languages, including Arabic, Chinese, French, Spanish, Persian and Turkish.
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U.S. Diplomatic Mission to Germany /Public Affairs/ Information Resource Centers
Updated: May 2008