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Elections 2004

Election Focus 2004
Election Focus 2004 provides non-partisan coverage of the U.S. election process, featuring articles, interviews, public opinion polls, and other information on the presidential primaries and caucuses, debates, conventions and campaign activities of the major presidential candidates. Subscribe to email newsletter.
Election Focus Newsletter, No. 16 (November 4, 2004) Adobe PDF Document
red bullet Bush Wins 2004 U.S. Presidential Election
red bullet
Republicans Widen Control in Senate, House
red bullet Ballot Initiatives Give Voters the Opportunity to Make New Laws
Election Focus Newsletter No. 15 (October 19, 2004) Adobe PDF Document
red bullet Bush, Kerry Gear Up for Final Days of Campaign
red bullet Economic Issues and the 2004 Presidential Campaign
red bullet Campaign Highlight: The Fight for the Battleground States
Election Focus Newsletter, No. 14 (July 14, 2004) Adobe PDF Document
red bullet National Party Conventions - Nominating a U.S. President and Vice-President
red bullet
Memorable Moments in Political Convention History
red bullet The Evolution of Political Conventions -
An Interview with Nelson W. Polsby
Election Focus Newsletter, No. 13 (June 16, 2004) Adobe PDF Document
red bullet Bush, Kerry Court Religious Voters
red bullet Religion and the 2004 Presidential Elections
red bullet Separation of Church and State in the U.S.
Election Focus Newsletter, No. 11 (May 21, 2004) Adobe PDF Document
red bullet Television Primary Information Source for Most 2004 Voters
red bullet Presidential Election Media Coverage: An Interview with John King
red bullet
Monitoring Media Coverage of Elections 
Election Focus Newsletter, No. 10 (April 28, 2004) Adobe Acrobat PDF File
red bullet Congressional, State Elections Heat Up
red bullet Mayor's Perspectives on the 2004 Election and Local Politics
Election Focus Newsletter, No. 8 (April 14, 2004) Adobe Acrobat PDF File
red bullet Women Voters in the 2004 Election
red bullet The History of the Women's Vote
red bullet Interview with Kay J. Maxwell, President of the League of Women Voters of the United States
Election Focus Newsletter, No. 6 (March 3, 2004) Adobe Acrobat PDF File
red bullet Super Tuesday Wins Position Kerry for Democratic Presidential Nomination
red bullet The Super Tuesday Race
red bullet African Americans and the 2004 Elections

Election Focus Newsletter, No. 4 (February 4, 2004) Adobe Acrobat PDF File
red bullet"Junior Tuesday" Elections: The Results
red bullet Campaign Finance Reform and the 2004 Election
red bullet Understanding Campaign Finance Reform

Election Focus Newsletter, No. 3 (January 28, 2004) Adobe Acrobat PDF File
red bullet New Hampshire Primary: The Results
red bullet A Look Ahead
red bullet Presidential Candidates Use a Variety of Campaign Tactics
Election Focus Newsletter, No. 1 (January 14, 2004) Adobe Acrobat PDF File
red bullet An Overview of the 2004 Presidential Race
red bullet The 2004 Election: An Interview with Charles Cook
red bullet Biographies of the 10 Candidates
red bullet Campaign Calendar: Schedule of Primaries and Caucuses

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