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Elections 2004

Elections 2004


The State of Campaign Finance | Der Stand der Wahlkampffinanzierung Joseph E. Cantor
Campaign Finance Reform and the 2004 Election (Election Focus Newsletter, Feb.4, 2004)  
Understanding Campaign Finance Reform (Election Focus Newsletter, Feb.4, 2004)
Campaign Financing (CRS Report)

Campaign Finance

Campaign Finance - Hoover Institution
· Campaign Finance Institute - Campaign Finance eGuide
· Campaign Finance Law Resources - U.S. Federal Election Commission
· Campaign Finance Reform (Almanac of Policy Issues)

· Campaign Finance Reform: A Sourcebook (Brookings Institution)
· Campaign Finance Reports and Data (FEC)
· Fundrace 2004: Follow the Money
· Glossary of Campaign Finance Reform Terms (Common Cause)
· Open Secrets: Guide to Money in the Elections (Center for Responsive Politics)
· PoliticalMoneyLine Guide to Presidential Races - 2004 Presidential Race
(Political Money Line)
· Presidential Campaign Finance (Democracy in Action)
· What is the Difference Between Soft Money and Hard Money? (Howstuffworks Inc.)
· Yahoo! Full Coverage: Campaign Finance

· Financing Presidential Election Campaigns - by Herbert E. Alexander
(US Department of State e-Journal)
· PACACRONYMS (Federal Election Commission)
alphabetical list of acronyms, abbreviations, initials, and common names of federal political action committees (PACs)
· Political Party Finance under BCRA (Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act): An Initial Assessment
· Supreme Court Decision - McConnell v Federal Election Commision, Dec. 10, 2003
· Campaign Finance Reform: A Legal Analysis of Issue & Express Advocacy (CRS Report)
· Campaign Finance in the 2000 Federal Elections: Overview & Estimates of the flow of money (CRS Report, March 16, 2001)
· Ca mpaign Finance: Brief Overview of McConnell v. FEC (CRS Report)
· Campaign Finance: Constitutional and Legal Issues of Soft Money (CRS Report, March 31, 2004)
· Campaign Financing (CRS Report, Dec.15, 2003)
· Campaign Finance Reform; Jan W. Baran, Esq., Election Law and Campaign Finance Expert; Foreign Press Center Briefing; Washington, DC -- Official Transcript

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