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Elections 2004

Elections 2004


Republicans Elephant
Democrats Donkey

The Polls, the Pundits, and the Elections of 2004 | Umfragen, Experten und die Wahlen John Zogby

Public Opinion Polls

U.S. Political Maps

· Electoral Vote Predictor 2004
2004 Presidential Election Polls

Major Polling Organizations

University of Kansas Online Public Opinion Listings
Links to numerous public opinion sources.

· CBS News Polls
Political polls and other surveys

· Center on Policy Attitudes
The Center on Policy Attitudes was created to help give a greater voice to the American public in the policymaking process. Founded in 1992, COPA seeks to deepen understanding of American public attitudes by: conducting in-depth nationwide polls, focus groups, and interviews;integrating its findings together with data from other organizations into a coherent analysis of majority opinion; and actively communicating its findings to the policymaking community, the media, academia and the public.

· Gallup Organization
Summary results of most current public opinion polls ( full access to in-depth poll data by subscription only)

· Harris Poll Online (Louis Harris Associates)
Policy makers, business leaders and the media rely on the Harris Poll to produce accurate, reliable information on topics as diverse as our participants. In fact, the Harris Poll has surveyed millions of people from more than 90 countries in the past 40 years. (free registration required)

· Kaiser Family Foundation Surveys
Surveys on American values, sex, health care issues, politics, and morals

· Los Angeles Times Polls
The Los Angeles Times Poll has been conducting surveys for publication in the newspaper for over twenty years, starting as a part-time experiment, expanding to a three person full-time department in 1980 and finally computerizing and expanding to its present size and configuration in 1984. The Times Poll has conducted well over 400 surveys in its history, including exit polls of every presidential and California gubernatorial election during that time.

· National Council on Public Opinion Polls
The National Council on Public Polls (NCPP) is an association of polling organizations established in 1969. Its mission is to set the highest professional standards for public opinion pollsters, and to advance the understanding, among politicians, the media and general public, of how polls are conducted and how to interpret poll results.
20 questions journalists should ask when reading poll results

National Election Studies (UMich-Center for Political Studies)
Documentation on voting, public opinion, and political participation studies
Its Guide to Public Opinion and Electoral Behavior provides summary data on social, economic, partisanship, and public opinion, 1952 to present
Web site includes
2000 Pre- and Post-Election Questionnaires
National Election Studies: 2004

· Pew Research Center
The Center is an independent opinion research group that studies attitudes toward the press, politics and public policy issues. They are best known for regular national surveys that measure public attentiveness to major news stories, and for our polling that charts trends in values and fundamental political and social attitudes. Formerly, the Times Mirror Center for the People & the Press (1990-1995), they are now sponsored by The Pew Charitable Trusts.

· Political Forecasting
Monthly projection of the presidential vote based on several different polling companies

· Polling Report is a service of The Polling Report, an independent, nonpartisan organization that conducts polls on issues and current events, public officials, institutions, organizations, and elections -- including state and congressional-district data. The site is updated whenever new polls are released. Also contains links to selected articles on public opinion and survey research from The Polling Report.

· Program on International Policy Attitudes
The Program on International Policy Attitudes (PIPA) carries out research on public attitudes on international issues by conducting nationwide polls, focus groups and comprehensive reviews of polling conducted by other organizations.

· Public Agenda
For over a quarter of a century, Public Agenda has been providing unbiased and unparalleled research that bridges the gap between American leaders and what the public really thinks about issues ranging from education to foreign policy to immigration to religion and civility in American life. Nonpartisan and nonprofit, Public Agenda was founded by social scientist and author Daniel Yankelovich and former Secretary of State Cyrus Vance in 1975.

· Roper Center for Public Opinion Research
Roper Center for Public Opinion Research is the leading educational facility in the field of public opinion. The Center exists to promote the intelligent, responsible and imaginative use of public opinion in addressing the problems faced by Americans and citizens of other nations.
Presidential Approval Ratings
Election 2004

· Washington Post Polls
The Washington Post regularly surveys Americans on questions of national interest.
Washington Post On Poltics

· Zogby International
Zogby International has been tracking public opinion since 1984 in North America, Latin America, the Middle East, Asia, and Europe.

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