Amerikanische Feiertage > Columbus Day
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Dieser Gedenktag erinnert an die Landung des italienischen Seefahrers Christoph Columbus am 12. Oktober 1492 in der Neuen Welt. Andere Länder auf dem Amerikanischen Kontinent begehen diesen Tag am 12. Oktober, aber in den USA wird er jedes Jahr am zweiten Montag im Oktober gefeiert. Die Hauptfeierlichkeiten des Tages finden in New York City statt, wo jedes Jahr ein riesiger Festumzug veranstaltet wird.
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About the USA > Gesellschaft > Indianer
About the USA > Geschichte > Das Frühe AmerikaFeature Artikel Holiday commemorates explorer Columbus' landing in the New World in 1492
Columbus Day is the annual U.S. commemoration of explorer Christopher Columbus' landing in the New World (at San Salvador Island, also known as Waitling Island, today part of the British Bahamas) on October 12, 1492. Columbus was not the first European successfully to cross the Atlantic. Viking sailors are believed to have established a short-lived settlement in Newfoundland sometime in the 11th century, and scholars have argued for a number of other possible pre-Columbian landings. Columbus, however, initiated the lasting encounter between Europeans and the indigenous peoples of the Western Hemisphere.
A number of nations celebrate this encounter with annual holidays: Discovery Day in the Bahamas, Hispanic Day in Spain, and Día de la Raza in much of Latin America. In 1971, Congress moved the U.S. holiday from October 12 to the second Monday in October, to afford workers a long holiday weekend. In the United States, Columbus Day is typically a celebration of Italian and Italian-American cultural heritage, Columbus generally being considered a native of Genoa. (America.gov, October 9, 2008).
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Aktualisiert: September 2010