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   ·Today in History: Thanksgiving Day
· USA kulinarisch: Thanksgiving


· The "First" Thanksgiving Proclamation - 1676
· Continental Congress Thanksgiving Proclamation, 1782
· Letters Written by the Pilgrims
· Mayflower Compact
· Primary Sources Plymouth Colony Record
· Primary Sources: Writing of the Pilgrims
· Thanksgiving Day Proclamation by George Washington 1789
· Thanksgiving Proclamation by Abraham Lincoln 1863
· President Obama''s Thanksgiving Day Proclamation, 2009

Thanksgiving Day Parade

"Tom Turkey" Ballon bei Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade in New York
am 27. November 2003. (© AP Images)

Thanksgiving, das amerikanische Erntedankfest, wird immer am vierten Donnerstag im November gefeiert. Viele Amerikaner nehmen sich auch den darauffolgenden Freitag frei und fahren für dieses lange Wochenende oft sehr weite Strecken um zu Hause bei Familie und Freunden zu feiern.

Thanksgiving Day spielt in Amerika eine besonders große Rolle, weil man ihn bis in die Zeit der Pilgerväter zurückverfolgt. Nach einem ersten harten Winter in der Neuen Welt, in dem etwa die Hälfte von ihnen starb, wandten sie sich hilfesuchend an die benachbarten Indianerstämme, die ihnen zeigten wie man Mais und andere einheimische Pflanzen anbaut. Die reiche Ernte des nächsten Herbstes veranlasste die Pilgrims ein Erntedankfest zu feiern. Dieses Erntedankfest wurde zu einer amerikanischen Tradition.

Pumpkins for sale
Photo von Patricia Walsh für das U.S. Census Bureau

Heute noch kommt meist die ganze Familie, einschließlich Großeltern, Tanten, Onkeln, Cousins und erwachsener Kinder zum traditionellen Thanksgiving Essen zusammen. Dabei gibt es meist ähnliche Gerichte wie am ersten Thanksgiving-Fest, nämlich gebratenen Truthahn mit Preiselbeersauce, Süßkartoffeln und "pumpkin pie".

Siehe auch:
About the USA > Geschichte > Die Kolonialzeit
About the USA > Gesellschaft > Indianer

Feature Artikel:

Thanksgiving Day a Time for Reflection, Gratitude, Sharing
American tradition rooted in 1621 New England harvest celebration
Thanksgiving Day in the United States is possibly the premier U.S. family celebration — typically celebrated at home or in a community setting and marked with a substantial feast. Thanksgiving provides an occasion for reunions of friends and families, and it affords Americans a shared opportunity to express gratitude for the freedoms they enjoy as well as food, shelter and other good things. (, November 23, 2009)

Thanksgiving Holiday is a Reminder to Americans to Help Others. By Louise Fenner
On Thanksgiving Day, when most Americans enjoy a holiday meal with friends and family and give thanks for the good things in their lives, many also take time to prepare and serve meals to the needy. Others donate to food drives, work at food warehouses or deliver groceries to soup kitchens, churches and other charitable groups. (, November 24, 2009.)

Thanksgiving Is a Time for Tradition and Sharing
Thanksgiving in the United States is possibly the premier U.S. family celebration, typically celebrated at home and marked with a substantial feast. As the anchor of what is for many a four-day holiday weekend, Thanksgiving provides an occasion for family reunions, marks the beginning of the 'holiday season' that continues through Christmas and New Year's Day and, as its name suggests, affords Americans a shared opportunity to express their gratitude for plentiful food and general abundance. (Washington File, November 14, 2005 Updated: November 21, 2007)


Ausstellungen - Digitale Bilder
· National Museum of the American Indian
Pilgrim Hall Museum
· Plimoth Plantation

Für Schüler
· Colonial Kids. ThinkQuest
The First Thanksgiving
· Happy Thanksgiving
· How Thanksgiving Works
· Investigating the First Thanksgiving
· Plimoth Plantation . Homework Help
· Thanksgiving

· American Indian Perspectives on Thanksgiving
· Facts for Features: Thanksgiving 2009
· Mayflower. Lesson Plan
· Plimoth Plantation: Just for Teachers
· Teaching About Thanksgiving
· Thanksgiving
· Thanksgiving. Lesson Plan
· Thanksgiving Lesson Plans
· Thanksgiving Across the Curriculum
· Thanksgiving in American Memory
· Thanksgiving Resources


· Google > Holidays > Thanksgiving
· Librarians' Internet Index: Thanksgiving
· Thanksgiving Links
· Yahoo! Holidays and Observances: Thanksgiving
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Aktualisiert: September 2010