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Obgleich amerikanische Frauen 1920 das Wahlrecht erhielten, dauerte der wirtschaftliche und soziale Wandel sehr viel länger, und der Fortschritt verlief auch nicht zu jeder Zeit mit der gleichen Geschwindigkeit.
In den Vereinigten Staaten begann in den sechziger Jahren die Zeit der sozialen Veränderungen; für die Frauen war das Resultat das Phänomen der Frauenbewegung. Beeinflusst vom Erfolg der Bürgerrechtsbewegung für mehr Rassengleichheit und anderen progressiven Strömungen in den sechziger und siebziger Jahren, drängten eine Vielzahl von Organisationen und Lobbyisten darauf auch die volle Gleichberechtigung von amerikanischen Frauen anzustreben. Dieses Anliegen forderte nicht nur eine fundamentale Revision von amerikanischen Institutionen, Sitten und Werten, sondern auch eine Revolution im Bewusstsein - in den Köpfen sowohl von Frauen alsauch von Männern - und vor allem im Selbstverständnis der Frauen. Nicht jeder hiess die daraus entstehenden Veränderungen willkommen, wie das Entstehen von einer Anzahl von Organisationen beweisst, die bestrebt waren dem "ungezügelten Feminismus" Einhalt zu gebieten.
Aus welcher Perspektive man es auch betrachten mag, es gibt keinen Zweifel daran, dass die Veränderungen deutlich zu spüren sind. Amerikanische Frauen leben heute ein ganz anderes Leben als noch in den fünfziger Jahren oder früher. (The Changing Role of Women in the United States. U.S. Department of State, IIP Electronic Journal)
Feature Artikel Women and the Economy 2010: 25 Years of Progres but Challenges Remain
U.S. Congress Joint Economic Committee. August 2010.
On August 26, 2010, Americans will celebrate the 90th anniversary of the ratification of the 19th amendment, which granted women the right to vote and led to their increased participation in our political system. In 1984, Geraldine Ferraro shattered the political glass ceiling by becoming the first woman nominated to a national ticket and ushered in a new era of political leadership for
women. Over the last quarter century, women have become a powerful political force, both as voters and as elected leaders. Did that political benchmark have implications for women’s economic well-being? Data compiled by the Joint Economic Committee suggest that the answer is yes.
Cathy L. Lanier is Washington's first permanent female police chief.
(© AP Images)U.S. Women Making Strides in Education, Entrepreneurship
A demographic profile of women in the United States
American women -- 152 million or 51 percent of the U.S. population -- increasingly are making their influence felt in all spheres of American life. And the month of March -- National Women's History Month -- is a fitting time to measure the progress women are making in American society.
Recognizing that education is their ticket to economic success, women now graduate high school at rates higher than those of men -- 87 percent for women; 85 percent for men. In the age range of 25 to 29 years, 32 percent of women compared to 25 percent of men obtained bachelor's degrees or higher in 2005. On the other hand, a higher proportion of males in the general population had a bachelor's degree or higher (28.9 percent compared with 26.5 percent of women). (, 25 March 2008.)Women's History, Accomplishments Celebrated Every March
2008 Women's History Month theme is Women's Art: Women's Vision
In 1981, the U.S. Congress passed a resolution establishing National Women's History Week. In 1987, Congress expanded the week to a month, and has since passed such a resolution every year. Congressional action is followed by a U.S. presidential proclamation declaring March as Women's History Month. (, 29 February 2008.)
National Museum of Women in the Arts Celebrates 20 Years
Anniversary exhibition focuses on women Renaissance, Baroque pioneers
Throughout its existence, the National Museum of Women in the Arts (NMWA) has been called on to justify its mission in a way that 'other established museuot have to, 'says Jordana Pomeroy, co-curator of the NMWA's new exhibition, 'Italian Women Artists from Renaissance to Baroque.' As the world's only museum dedicated solely to the works of women artists, the NMWA is accustomed to critics who question the need for such a facility and who insist that art should not be viewed through the prism of an artist's gender. But in interviews, both Pomeroy and the NMWA's director of communications, Howard White, said the museum is needed. (, 28 March 2007.)Featured Publications
Women of Influence
This publication offers a glimpse at how women in one country the United States have helped shape their society. These notable women from the Native-American Sacagawea, who guided white settlers through a vast wilderness, to Sojourner Truth, who fought for the end of slavery and equal rights for all; to Rosalyn Yalow, winner of the Nobel Prize in Medicine for her research into a new technique for measuring substances in the blood believed that they had a contribution to make and did not shrink from the obstacles in their way. This account of their accomplishments is a reminder that all societies benefit from the talents and expertise of their women.Making a Difference in the U.S.A - Women in Politics (March 2008) (PDF file, 1.44MB)
This publication offers the stories of women who believed that they could make a difference by participating in politics and government, and forged ahead to do so. They are not famous, like U.S. presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, and they are not serving at the top, like Presidents Michelle Bachelet of Chile or Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf in Liberia. But, just like Bachelet, Clinton, and Johnson-Sirleaf, they have overcome obstacles to get where they are. They have acquired experience in running for election, being an effective policy-maker, and in persuading elected officials to support their cause.
Auszug aus Publikationen des State Department/IIP und anderen U.S. Regierungsquellen.
Verweise dieses Servers auf bestimmte Produkte oder Dienste stellen keine Unterstützung der US-Regierung für das Produkt oder dessen Produzenten bzw. Anbieter dar. Ansichten und Meinungen, die in den Verweisdokumenten geäußert werden, entsprechend nicht zwingend denen der US-Regierung und spiegeln diese auch nicht wider.U.S. Diplomatic Mission to Germany /Public Affairs/ Information Resource Centers
Aktualisiert: September 2010